Be Bold. Be You.

Take The Ultimate Dream Test
To determine if your BOLD dream is right for you.
"Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
My Mission...
Hey! So glad you landed here. I'm Kara Steck, and I believe that freedom lies in being bold. My mission is to support you in discovering and bringing your BOLD dream into the reality of your life!
Having spent 24 years as an educator, Kara is a naturally gifted speaker. She lights up the room with her passion, humor, and contagious enthusiasm for people and life itself.
Kara Steck is a hard working farm girl. The work ethic she grew up with permeates everything she does. Her love for God, people and Life itself is contagious.
DreamBuilder Program
The DreamBuilder Coaching Program will help you define and design a new dream, and then guide you through bridging the gap between the life you're living and the life you'd love!